What is this study about?

Did you know that only 30% of registered architects in Ireland are women?  This is in spite of the fact that for decades as many women as men qualify with degrees in architecture

This research is about finding out why this is happening, why people leave architecture, and what alternative occupations they choose. We want to get a clear picture of the gender breakdown within the profession alongside attitudes towards gender equality. We are also interested in looking at working cultures and conditions within architecture as a whole and whether there is a gender dimension to people’s experiences of these.

Ultimately, we want to understand why women seem to be leaving the profession of architecture in Ireland. This research will help us discover why this is happening, and what we can do to improve gender equity in Irish architecture.

Who is conducting this study?

This study is being conducted by Dr Dervla MacManus, at the UCD School of Philosophy. The academic mentor is  Professor Katherine O’Donnell, UCD School of Philosophy.


This study is funded by the Irish Research Council and the RIAI (Royal Institute of Architects Ireland) through an Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postdoctoral Fellowship


This Low-Risk Study is approved by the HREC (Human Research Ethics Committee), UCD. Reference HS-LR-22-146-MacManus-ODonnell.